Depending on the size or regulatory requirements of your company, you might be in need of audit or review services. All of our audits are conducted in accordance with required auditing standards with the objective of expressing an opinion on the fairness of the company’s financial statements.
We plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurances about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. As part of our audit we begin with obtaining an understanding of the design and implementation of various relevant policies and procedures of the control environment and accounting systems. Then we examine and test evidence to provide support for such policies and amounts within the financial statements. After the completion of our examination and testing, we are able express an opinion on the financial statements.
Audits are generally not designed and cannot be relied on to reveal significant deficiencies within the design or operation of the internal control systems. However if during the audit, should we become aware of such conditions or ways in which we believe your management practices can be improved, we will communicate them to you.